Sunday, July 31, 2011

Well, Robb's swim trunks blew off the balcony where they were drying. Oops. Good thing I brought extra.
Sudafed = sucks. I don't understand why meth addicts like it soo much. Makes me feel weird.
Now off to shop and eat.
Second dive went to El Cedral. Saw 2 more (bigger) nurse sharks and more fish. Drift dive with moderate current. Still nauseated after. Hmmm
Dove Palancar Gardens and saw 2 nurse sharks and lots of fish. Got nauseated after dive. Took scopace to help.
Breakfast and then diving. Hopefully a halocline after the ferocious thunderstorm last night.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Friday, July 29, 2011