Friday, August 5, 2011

At Prima for supper. Wine, steak, and sunset.
Final 2 dives today. Punta Sur where I got to 119 feet, and Columbia Shallow. Saw the usual stuff.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today we dove Palancar Caves, and Carlos' spot..between Francesca and Delilah. Ray, turtles, shark, fish, and swim throughs.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First night dive complete. Saw eels, rays, octopus, squid, sea snakes, crabs, and fish.
Off to do my first night dive.
Just saw 2 dolphins playing in front of our hotel.
Relaxing day of window shopping before the night dive. No cruise ships in so it won't be too busy down town.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Got reef rash, as they call it, on my left knee. It's not really a rash, it's where the reef stung me. Ouch.
Delilah a d Tormentos today. No sickness. Saw turtle, moray eel, shark, pipe fish, an other fish too.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Being very touristy and eating at the world's smallest Hard Rock. At least I can have the fries...
Have recovered from my motion sickness. Off to eat.
Saw an Eel, a lobster, and of course lots of fish.
I was not the first or the last to puke today. Yay.
First dive at Barracuda was successful. Promptly got sick back on boat. Wicked rough seas. Aborted second dive. Too sick. :-(
Holy crap my legs are sore this morning. Tank, BC, and weights is about 70 pounds. Trying to stand up and roll off boat is hard.